Come back to the living roots

Separated by nature by concrete, asphalt and double -glazed windows, we feel irresistible traction to tame at least a small part of the Green Kingdom – on several hundred parts or just in a flower pot. And not in vain: our silent pets bring us incredibly a lot of benefits – for the body and for the soul.

With the onset of spring, the appearance of the first greenery, many of us are in a hurry to the country. And those who do not have their own house outside the city sigh and try to create a mini-garden on their balcony. What drives us? What makes even an avid citizen cherish a lawn in size a little larger than a handkerchief or grow a peach tree in a pot?

Rest for the soul

“In recent years, there is no better rest for me than in the country,” admits 32-year-old Marina. – In the spring I put gladioli in the ground, cut off raspberries, look at the waking up trees, and absolute peace descends on me. Each time I wait for a miracle when the sprouts begin to break through the ground. This is a whole world with its own laws and values that enriches life, protects against bloating on current workers or home problems ”.

Communication with plants is really able to relieve stress and give strength, believes Evgeny Kirichenko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Physiology and Plant Biology of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“At lunchtime, I definitely try to go for a walk along the oak alley. And after twenty minutes I return the updated, filled with forces, without a trace of accumulated fatigue. Even if you have 20,000 plants, with many of which you have been working for thirty years, communication with them remains a living and exciting process, and the plants themselves are even more mysterious and beautiful than at the beginning of the “dating”.

Garden of Eden

“Even one flower pot on the windowsill is evidence that beauty and harmony exist in the world. It is no coincidence that many peoples have the concept of paradise associated with the idea of the garden, ”says the psychologist and convinced gardener Ekaterina Mikhailova. – There are no ugly plants. The British, for example, love to say that a weed is a beautiful plant that has simply grown in an unsuccessful place “.

The image of Eden in our minds is the mother nature itself, generous, abundant, giving everything necessary for life.

We get from plants – and from the Earth itself – a sense of reliability, support, which we often lack in everyday life

“Communication with plants is an endless workshop of patience and humility,” continues Ekaterina Mikhailova. – The result is postponed, sometimes for a long time. In the kingdom of nature, man is forced to cope with his thirst to get the result “here and now”. We have to wait, but not passively, but influencing, directing and abandoning a daring desire to make a miracle “.

Any cooperation with plants is an adventure. But his pace is not fast, it promises surprises, and disappointment, and entertainment, and excitement.

Stand on the ground

People’s love for plants does not come down to pure self -sacrifice and disinterested service. We will be honest: even the most capricious orchid or Marakuya will take less worries to their guardian than raising a puppy or kitten.

“Plants, due to their characteristics, are more predictable and controlled,” says Ekaterina Mikhailova. -They allow you to build a controlled model of great reality, a world where something really depends on us, where a lot can be foreseen and even prevent. The flower in the pot will not let you down, will not betray, will not run away. That is, we get from plants – and from the Earth itself – a feeling of reliability, support, which we often lack in everyday life.

At the same time, I would not say that we prefer plants to animals from laziness. The process of cultivation with a capital letter, focus on the result implies the care of pets, not only when you want to relax with the soul, but also when it is necessary ”.

Life cycles

Another most important point that explains our enchantment with the Green Kingdom is an opportunity, with the mediation of plants, to include in a measured time of time, to feel the deep rhythm of cyclicity, to join the sacred process of development.

We observe the change of seasons: pale green leaves bring us a good news-spring has come, and in the fall, greens replace the crimson and orange-yellow shades, symbolizing the end of a certain life stage.

Many people like to “put to bed” their garden before the onset of winter, carefully covering from the cold, and long before heat begins annual chores with seedlings. The older we become, the more pleasant, more necessary for us become troubles with the ground, because plants teach us a lesson that life is endless, that it continues the cycle behind the cycle. The wounds are delayed, the seeds germinate … and we learn this lesson unconsciously and very firmly.

Green energy

Plants – in many respects unique creatures. Their most valuable and amazing properties are the production of oxygen, which, as you know, is the key to life on Earth, as well as the ability to accumulate and store the healing energy of the sun.

“The smell of plants is nothing more than redesigned solar energy,” explains the biophysicist, aromatherapist and expert on essential oils Julia Irisova. – This applies not only to the aroma of flowers, but also to the smells of branches, bark, grass, leaves. Plants can include photons and electrons in their life processes, of which sunlight consists of, and they are divided by this processed light with us. The easiest way to explain this process using the wave theory “.

If you plant a lemon or tangerine tree at home, it will share with you energy and an optimistic attitude to life

All in the world emits electromagnetic waves of different lengths. What we perceive as color, sound, smell, at the basis of our energy there is an impulse. At the beginning of the last century, this discovery made a revolution in science, molecular physics appeared, scientific and technological progress made a sharp jump, and a new direction was formed in medicine-wave medicine.

Wave medicine is based on the fact that the internal organs, like everything in the world, radiate and accept waves of energy. From this point of view, the plant is a tuning fork. Contact with them automatically sets the body to a more healthy “wave” and has a pronounced psychotherapeutic and even anti -aging effect.

“Often women begin to grow geranium on the threshold of maturity – they intuitively feel its beneficial action. It contains geraniol, one of the most powerful phytohormones, which is actively used in aromatherapy in anti-Age programs, ”explains Julia Irisova. “And if you plant a lemon or tangerine tree at home, it will share with you energy and an optimistic attitude to life”.

How deep beneficial effects produces on us to communicate with plants depends on the frequency of these contacts.

“If you once a month get out for a walk in a birch grove, we can talk about psycho -emotional correction,” says Julia Irisova. – Suggles twice a week provide a harmonizing effect on the hypothalamus, which, among other things, meets for the temperature, food, sleep. Constant interaction with green spaces has a beneficial effect on the pituitary gland – the main endocrine gland of our body. “.

By its own laws

Throughout their lives, which have been in one place, developing according to the unshakable laws of their type, the inhabitants of the plant kingdom create the illusion of absolute predictability, inspire confidence that we are able to thoroughly study them. But this is nothing more than visibility. Of the 250,000 species known to scientists (and about the same, according to the most optimistic forecasts, we are still unfamiliar) only a few hundred succumbed to a person to tame.

“All efforts to create artificial varieties, if not in vain, are very fleeting,” explains Evgeny Kirichenko. -The varieties created by man do not live longer than two to three decades, and the species created by nature exist in almost unchanged form of millions of years.

Even well -studied species keep their secrets: for example, plant behavior remains a big mystery at night. We are used to perceiving them as children of the Sun, but with the moon they are connected by an equally strong and mysterious connection. It is known, for example, that in Sicily the grape collection is carried out only at night: the taste of “night” wine is noticeably and for the better differs from the “daytime”.

I think that only one who relies on the experience of generations, who is genetically predisposed to feel plants, can truly understand them.

Communicate more

But is communication with plants in the literal sense of the word affordable? Even if you leave aside the semi -language of the Slavic custom to cry in an embrace with a birch, many even today admit in their habit to talk with cacti, praise azalea or scold the rhododendron.

“The issue of the existence of the highest nervous system in plants has been repeatedly discussed in the scientific community,” says Evgeny Kirichenko. – Most biologists and zoopsychologists believe that plants have no similar system. But it is experimentally confirmed that plants react differently to people: they seem to “recognize” those who take care of them or, on the contrary, hurt ”.

Plants literally make our life brighter and voluminous, without them our world would become joyless and gray

“The daughter committed suicide and left a note of which she accused us”

The daughter died at 25. I could not cope with children’s insults, although we tried to do everything for the sake of children. She graduated from the university, worked. What happened to her in the last year, I do not know. It hurts us very hard. How to deal with this pain?

Olga, hello. Condolences and sympathize with your loss. It is very difficult and painful to lose your child. It is doubly difficult when the departure is so unexpected and loaded with such difficult circumstances. I imagine and understand how many difficult feelings you have to worry every day, how many difficult thoughts are scrolling in your head ..

I understand that now I want some magical knowledge that will reveal the secret, how to alleviate this unchilding pain. And I would really like to share with you.

But in such situations, we can only help ourselves with what we admit: the departure was her choice, her decision ..

It was her life, and only she could dispose of her. And disposed of as she considered it necessary. Her right was and to do what she did, regardless of the reasons why she did this and wrote about in the note. Respect for its decision and the right to it is what we can and should retain in our memory of the daughter.

People who choose such a way to overcome their difficulties are often on the verge of despair and hopelessness, do not see their future or it seems so unbearable that it is easier to abandon it. It was unlikely that this was only due to children’s insults and the inability to release them.

Stop living is usually about the future, and not about the past

We really do not know and will never know the true reasons for such a decision of your daughter. We only know that now … and we need to learn to live with it.

Woe and pain now are very large. They are more than you, more than today, comprehensive and exciting entirely. But this will not always be. Give a place and time I grieve in myself and my life, living further in memory of it is our main task. So that not only this event is the whole life, but that there is a life in which now there is such a difficult bitter event.

Your daughter will forever remain in your heart, you will always remember her, even when the time comes and you will choose to live, not grieve. Yes,

it will not be fast, but it will definitely be. Now, for now, the time for living grief and the painful feelings that it brought with itself: despair, sadness, possibly, anger or anger at the one who allowed all this, or the thought that everything could be different if … but there is no, if it happened, then it could not. So, this should have happened, to our great regret.

And you need to help yourself cope with pain, learn to live here and now, when it has come, to be in it as much as the psyche needs, cry, beat your pillow, if you want, scream and howl from despair.

Only the living of emotions and the elimination of them through the body will help the psyche and the body rather cope with what happened and learn to live in the New World

Along with this, you might think about how you would like to continue the memory of your daughter not only in your heart, but also in the material space. You can plant a bush of lilac or the fruiting of a tree in memory of it and take care of it, you can celebrate the commemorative days associated with it, in the family circle and remember what it was, what she loved. Or come up with something of its own-such that it will allow the world not to forget her and what she was.

These are helping tools that will help to cope. What we can do, taking care of ourselves in such a difficult situation.

Olga, I understand that now there is little to calm down pain and experiences. But so the truth will not always be. The time will come when it gets easier. As much as possible, but it will become. I would like to wish you the strength and great patience, to survive and cope, learn to cope and continue to live.

Olga, you can seek free support To the group “New life after the death of your beloved”

And you can also call psychological assistance services

10 signs that you are not lazy, but “selectively motivated”

You happened to be thrown with a mental gaze of your life and think: “I would be worth bringing myself into shape” or “It’s time to finally pull myself together and start working more” – and immediately start to reproach yourself for laziness and non -concern? Society requires us to constantly improve, but perhaps you do the right thing if you do not follow endless poles, as it should.

Perhaps you do not work on your own book simply because you do not like to write, although it seemed to you that being a writer is cool. Perhaps you are in no hurry to buy a subscription to the gym, because for too long you were inspired that something is wrong with your body, but at heart you yourself do not think so. And you did not discover your startup because in spirit you are not an entrepreneur at all.

It happens that that you are not going to do in any way, you simply do not need, and therefore it is time to stop scolding yourself for the lack of will. Here are a few signs that you are not at all lazy, but simply “selectively motivated”:

1. If any occupation or goal does not inspire you for real, as if it is paralyzed. It is really difficult for you to concentrate on what you don’t want to do.

2. You often scold yourself for not doing “more”, devaluing their successes and merits.

3. You are not afraid to quit what you don’t like or does not fit. A lot of people have been working at unloved work for years, put into projects that do not consider those standing, or remain in relations with those with whom they are uncomfortable, just not to lose a certain “status”. But sometimes “quit everything” is the only way to freedom and their true values, and those around them let them say that they want.

4. In everything, from reading books to study at a school or university, you exceed others that you are really interested, and demonstrate very average indicators in what the soul does not lie to. Not because you are not as smart as everyone else – it’s just difficult for you to artificially maintain interest in what does not respond.

5. You believe that you have a real goal in life, something more than just going to work and pay on accounts.

6. You do not want to spend your energy day after day to implement other people’s dreams. But you are very motivated by the realization that you are creating something of your own, for yourself.

7. Comfort you prefer self -realization. And they are ready to abandon the easy path and go their own, even complex, expensive, but only if you are sure that it is worth.

8. You are motivated by what you think is important and what you are good in. Of these two terms, your goal is formed, what you are striving for.

9. And the dictated “must” does not motivate you. You rather sit 11 hours in front of the computer, not noticing how time flies, for example, spend time going to the store and buying a “more stylish” clothing. Simply because you do not care much of what the rest consider important.

10. For your goals, you are ready to sacrifice other areas of life. For example, you can refuse your personal life for some time to bring the project to the end. Or move to a province where life is cheaper to implement your creative projects there. You are not afraid of temporary discomfort, because you know: at the end of the path you will find a real joy that you have achieved your.

How to talk with children about coronavirus

Why talk to them about what is happening? Does the children themselves do not see and do not hear what the parents are discussing, what the TV is talking about? But scraps of other people’s conversations are just an informational noise. Get an adequate idea of the situation, without speculation and fantasies, a child can only in dialogue with parents. Psychotherapist Natalia Preslair tells how to build an “anti -crisis” dialogue.

News and conversations of adults only fill the child with alarming information, which he cannot digest on his own. He needs to share his reaction, emotions, discuss what he hears. He will not tell us: “I am overloaded with information about the coronavirus,”

but it is likely to become more capricious, he will have a sleep, he will lose interest in learning and/or will give out psychosomatic reactions (skin rashes, stomach pain, etc.).

Closure on itself causes severe personal disorders, and exchange, dialogue, communication lead to development. Not all children raise themes disturbing for them. But if the child does not mean what he sees now, try to push him with the help of simple phrases to share his thoughts or experiences.

Select phrases based on the context. The child looks out the window at the site: “You really loved to walk with friends. And now you probably miss this time “. Try to discuss with children what worries them. Here are a few points that will help to establish a dialogue.

1.Choose the right moment

You should not start a conversation at a time when you yourself cannot cope with panic or strong excitement. Your emotional stability is the key to the calm of children. For its acquisition, talk primarily with yourself. Ask yourself: “Why is this aspect frightening me? With what it can be connected?”

Someone is afraid to get sick, someone is poverty, someone-for parents, someone is terribly scared by isolation … Awareness of their fears and care for yourself will help you relieve excessive anxiety, which means to be the best “container” for worrieschild.

2.Consider the age of the child

Speak simply, clear and briefly, starting with the clarification that the child already knows about what is happening. So you can deal with his fears and not overload unnecessary information.

Small children give general knowledge about the virus and inspire confidence that parents will take care of them and about themselves: “There are a lot of viruses around us. We are sick regularly and then recover. Coronavirus spreads very quickly, and many people get sick at the same time. In order not to get sick and infect others, you need to wash your hands, temporarily sit at home, wear a mask in public places. We do everything so as not to become infected. But if we get sick, we will be treated “.

It is appropriate to discuss the changes related to the virus with older children: “Our life has changed, but how is it for you?”,” For me the hardest is … and for you?”

3.Discuss his fears

For children from 2.5-3 years, the topic of death becomes relevant, and the story with the virus and the number of dead can activate the fear of getting sick (behind which the fear of death of loved ones and awareness of their own mortality) is hidden). It is important to explain to the child the degree of danger/non -obstacle for him and loved ones, but even more important to talk about his fears without denying them, without depreciating them, but listening.

Help your child express his fear, call him. Say: “You are afraid to get sick. These harmful viruses can really be very frightened! No one would like to get sick, that’s for sure!»Tell him that all people feel fear: both children and adults. Afraid normally.

Specify and examine his fear: “If you get sick, then what?”” What are you afraid of most?”,” There are so many conversations around that everyone is sick, sometimes very strong. This can scare when you hear how many people died “.

Look together, what can be done to protect yourself. Give sedative arguments and rationalize these experiences. Explain that fears have a useful side: they help us avoid different dangers and be careful.

4.Clear the meaning of what is happening

Calmly and clearly explain to the child why we are sitting at home, why he cannot yet go to the garden or to school, why the sites are fenced with ribbons than the accumulation of people in shopping centers is dangerous.

Tell him how viruses are arranged. You can easily find children’s books about this. Discuss how the viruses spread, how to protect yourself: do not drink from the common dishes, wash your hands correctly – soap and warm water, at least 20 seconds, carefully soaping your hands entirely. This will find a response from young children, because they like to master new skills, learn new.

5.Help cope with conflicting emotions

Now there can be many: “I am glad that you don’t have to go to school, but I’m angry that they don’t let you go for a walk”, “I am interested in learning about viruses, but it’s scary to read about it”. It is they who introduce children into an imbalance. In principle, it is difficult for children to accept ambivalence. Therefore, the message is: “The world is a wonderful and full of interesting people, events and opportunities, but it can also carry danger, illness and disappointment. This is fine. We cannot protect ourselves from everything, but in our power to minimize the risk, do everything that depends on us so as not to get sick, for example “.

Conflicting feelings are not the simplest for awareness and even more so for expression. For example, the child was very bored by dad when he went to work every day. But now, when the dad arranged an office in the bedroom, the child is not only glad that they have lunch and have dinner together, but also upset that when dad works, you can’t make noise. Dad is not so funny when you see it every day, and not just on weekends. Or the girl rejoices that she does not go to school, because she does not see the hated “Englishwoman”, but she really misses her school girlfriend and cheerful games with her at breaks.